( E ) Bettina Mürner is a Swiss artist who has developed great stylistic diversity and virtuosity in painting. Already in earlier works the figurative painting moves on the border to abstraction. Mürner's primary interest lies not in simple recognizability of the subject itself, rather she uses the possibilities of the painterly realization in order to create irritation and to raise existential questions. Mürner's artistic work deals with transcendental notions and the physical relation to the intangible. Thereby the works often refer to Eastern philosophy and explicitly take up themes such as emptiness and space.
One of the concerns that has emerged from Mürner's many years of artistic practice is to bring art into everyday life and literally to make it visible in the everyday. The artist has recently been working with media such as ceramics and textiles and is increasingly staging her paintings into space. The fact that Bettina works in different media like drawing, painting, textile, ceramics and performance, strengthens her story and its unity. Within the work, there is a great wealth of sensuality and poetry.
Bettina Mürner (*1983) lives and works in Zurich, Switzerland. She has studied Fine Arts at Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK and at Lucerne School of Art and Design HSLU where she got her Master’s degree. Furthermore, she has spent longer study periods in Belgium at LUCA School of Arts, in Scotland at Edinburgh College of Art and in Helsinki at the Academy of Fine Arts. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally.
( D ) Bettina Mürner ist eine Schweizer Künstlerin, die eine große stilistische Vielfalt und Virtuosität in der Malerei entwickelt hat. Schon in früheren Arbeiten bewegt sich die figurative Malerei an der Grenze zur Abstraktion. Mürners primäres Interesse liegt nicht in der einfachen Erkennbarkeit des Sujets selbst, vielmehr nutzt sie die Möglichkeiten der malerischen Umsetzung, um Irritationen zu erzeugen und existenzielle Fragen aufzuwerfen. Mürners künstlerische Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit transzendentalen Begriffen und dem physischen Bezug zum Ungreifbaren. Dabei beziehen sich die Arbeiten oft auf die östliche Philosophie und greifen explizit Themen wie Leere und Raum auf.
Kunst in den Alltag zu bringen und im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes im Alltäglichen sichtbar zu machen, ist eines der Anliegen, die sich aus Mürners langjähriger künstlerischer Praxis ergeben hat. In jüngster Zeit arbeitet die Künstlerin mit Medien wie Keramik und Textil und inszeniert ihre Bilder zunehmend im Raum. Die Tatsache, dass Bettina in verschiedenen Medien wie Zeichnung, Malerei, Textil, Keramik und Performance arbeitet, stärkt ihre Geschichte und deren Einheit. In den Arbeiten steckt ein großer Reichtum an Sinnlichkeit und Poesie.
Bettina Mürner (*1983) lebt und arbeitet in Zürich, Schweiz. Sie hat Bildende Kunst an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK und an der Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Luzern HSLU studiert, wo sie ihren Masterabschluss machte. Darüber hinaus hat sie längere Studienaufenthalte in Belgien an der LUCA School of Arts, in Schottland am Edinburgh College of Art und in Helsinki (FIN) an der Academy of Fine Arts absolviert. Ihre Arbeiten wurden auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene ausgestellt.
Selected exhibitions:
The Bardo Series, solo show, Frisch-Reihe, Visarte Kabinett, Zurich (2022) / On the sidelines of negotiations, together with Marie Rasper, De Mitte, LUCA School of Art, Gent Belgium (2022) / Landauf-Landab, Karl Bickel, Bettina Mürner, Gian Häne, Museum Bickel, Walenstadt (2020) / Negative Space (Einzelausstellung), Stiftung Binz39 Zürich (2015) / Bring back the Birch (Einzelausstellung), Wäscherei Kunstverein Zurich (2012) / Rosebud, Bettina Mürner & Sebastian Utzni, Patriothall Gallery Edinburgh (2009) / Swiss Art Awards, Kiefer Hablitzel Preis, Basel (2009)
Bettina Mürner is a Swiss artist who has developed great stylistic diversity and virtuosity in painting. Already in earlier works the figurative painting moves on the border to abstraction. Mürner's primary interest lies not in simple recognizability of the subject itself, rather she uses the possibilities of the painterly realization in order to create irritation and to raise existential questions. Mürner's artistic work deals with transcendental notions and the physical relation to the intangible. Thereby the works often refer to Eastern philosophy and explicitly take up themes such as emptiness and space.
One of the concerns that has emerged from Mürner's many years of artistic practice is to bring art into everyday life and literally to make it visible in the everyday. The artist has recently been working with media such as ceramics and textiles and is increasingly staging her paintings into space. The fact that Bettina works in different media like drawing, painting, textile, ceramics and performance, strengthens her story and its unity. Within the work, there is a great wealth of sensuality and poetry.
Bettina Mürner (*1983) lives and works in Zurich, Switzerland. She has studied Fine Arts at Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK and at Lucerne School of Art and Design HSLU where she got her Master’s degree. Furthermore, she has spent longer study periods in Belgium at LUCA School of Arts, in Scotland at Edinburgh College of Art and in Helsinki at the Academy of Fine Arts. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally.